Spent a bit of time at Memorabilia yesterday and today, partly to get some shots of John McCrea for his blog (which will be uploaded later tonight or tomorrow). Got some shots of other folks while there today.
First up, a shot of John himself…
Richard Herd (John in V and numerous others):
Derren Nesbitt (Number Two in “It’s Your Funeral” ep of The Prisoner, etc):
Ian McCulloch (from Survivors, Zombie [Flesh Eaters], etc):
Zombie DVD signed by Ian… I managed to get this sig for free in a fit of outrageous gall. :b
I’m not sure blagging a free autograph put Ian in the best humour but I scored a few points back mentioning the episode of Taggart where he played an airline pilot. “That was the best one of the two I did,” he said. “In the other, I made cakes!”